Friday, 18 July 2014

Winter wonderland

With ski-ing on my free days and then the commitment of work the rest of the week,  I am finding it hard to keep our new blog up to date. So all contributions are welcome.... and here is one from a long standing member and her family who have thrown themselves back into winter snow sports after an absence of a few years!
"We had our snow passes from last year that Mum had put the “5 day any day pass” onto. This year the Lift Company wanted our photo for their records too. A lesson each day helped us get our confidence back since we had only been on the slopes a total of three days altogether ever. 
As we travelled towards Falls Creek the snow was everywhere, even stuck to the sides of tree trunks and along branches. There was no room for cars to park on the edge of the road. The road was clear for us to drive along. 
Our gear came from Yogi’s across the road and up a bit for a good price. Yogi has been sick with pneumonia in hospital. His dog was in the shop for us to pat. 
There were three other children around our age staying in the lodge. We had great fun playing rotation ping pong and time trials up and down the new stairs. Playing outside in the snow was also good. The laughter was loud. Mum saw Macgregor and Bridie trying to play ping pong while sitting in armchairs and using all the balls. 
Coming home late from the slopes in the shuttle one night the Husky ran out of fuel a long way from the lodge. Lucky for us we were up the hill so decided to ski home after a while of waiting. Hugh Watson with two others had to get the machine working once more. 
Later that evening Hugh had to chase after a Subaru carrying a young family that had driven onto the snow covered roads of the village as far as the Winterhaven corner! Hugh had almost made it home for dinner. 
Rory felt hot downstairs so he turned off the heater. Upstairs adults smelt smoke! Hugh explained why the DOWNSTAIRS HEATER IS TO STAY ON AT ALL TIMES to a bewildered boy. 
Snowboarding can be hard on tailbones and wrists. This can have enthusiasm waning from time to time, then all is OK again for Rory. Skiing was less tricky for Sarah. They want to give it another go, there is so much more to learn. 
Staying in the lodge and attending working bees are the best way to meet and enjoy the company of other members. We hope to catch up with some relatives from Melbourne and Sydney later in the season. 
Cheers Mitzi for Sarah and Rory"
July 13 2014 View from the KVSC 

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